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Associate Prof. Xiong group published a review paper in Coordination Chemistry Reviews:Exploring Recent Advancements and Future Prospects on Coordination Self-Assembly of the Regulated Lanthanide-Doped Luminescent Supramolecular Hydrogels


Farid Ahmed, Muhammad Muzammal Hussain, Waheed Ullah Khan and Hai Xiong*

Institute for Advanced study, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, P. R. China

* Correspondence:xhai2001@hotmail.com

Lanthanide-derived flexible luminescent hydrogels have attracted attention due to their unique physical, chemical, and biological properties, which enable the construction of functional and architecturally designed materials inspired by nature. This comprehensive review provides insight into the design principles and fabrication strategies for the coordination self-assembly of lanthanide-derived supramolecular hydrogels, outlines the fundamental properties and the importance required in optical and biological fields, summaries recent advances of these hydrogels for multifunctional flexible material construction, and discusses their applications in environmental and medical fields including stimuli responsiveness, chemo-biosensing, luminescence anisotropy, 3D printing, self-healing, and anti-counterfeiting. The objective of this review is to provide useful insights that can advance the development of next-generation bioelectronics and facilitate the connection between luminescent hydrogels as fundamental and multi-functional optical materials for various applied targets. Ultimately, this review aims to accelerate new material design by highlighting recent advances in lanthanide-derived supramolecular hydrogels.

Graphic:This comprehensive review describes the design principles and fabrication strategies for the coordination self-assembly of lanthanide-derived supramolecular hydrogels, summaries recent advances in environmental and medical fields including self-healing, anti-counterfeiting, biosensors, 3D printing, luminescence anisotropy, and stimuli responsiveness.

Dr. Farid Ahmed, an Associate Researcher atInstitute for Advanced Study in Shenzhen University is the first author, and Prof. Hai Xiong is the corresponding author.This work is supported by the Science and Technology Innovation Commission of Shenzhen, China (JCYJ20210324095607021 to HX), and the Special Project of Key Fields of Universities in Guangdong Province, China (2021ZDZX2047 to HX).

The review paper linked inhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccr.2023.215486

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