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Professor Meng Li's group published a paper in Environmental Microbiome: Biogeographical distribution and community assembly of Myxococcota in mangrove sediments


Myxococcota are a kind of widely distributed, highly diverse and predatory microorganism, but the ecological distribution and function of myxobacteria in mangrove sediments are still poorly understood.

On July 13th 2024,Prof. Meng Li's team published a paper entitled "Biogeographical distribution and community assembly of Myxococcota in mangrove sediments" in the international journalEnvironmental Microbiome. The global distribution of Myxococcota, as well as their diversity and community composition in mangrove wetlands was revealed in this paper.

This paper compares the abundance, diversity and community composition of Myxococcota in sediments of different habitats, focusing on the community structure and spatial and temporal distribution of Myxococcota in mangrove sediments. We found that the abundance and diversity of Myxococcota in mangrove sediments were high, and the community assembly process was mainly affected by environmental factors such as organic carbon in the sediments. In addition, co-occurrence network analysis showed that Myxococcota connect different modules in the microbial community, highlighting their important ecological functions in mangrove wetlands.

Prof. Meng Li and Prof. Yang Liu are the co-corresponding authors, and associate researcherDr. Dayu Zou is the first author. The work is support by the grants from the Guangdong Major Project of Basic and Applied Basic Research and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.


Figure1 The relative abundance and community composition of Myxococcota in different biomes.

Address: Institute for Advanced Study

Shenzhen University

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