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Lecture 5 of Distinguished Lecture Series


主讲人 时间

高等研究院Institute for Advanced Study


Molecular Architecture

Synthetic Chemistry


陆天尧 Tien-Yau Luh 教授
National Taiwan University

Talk Introduction


什么是合成化学的未来?当前我们面临许多重大的问题有待解决,能源、环境、及生物医药、气候变迁等,需要全人类共同努力,合成化学无庸置疑地当扮演一定的角色。最后以Pablo Picasso的一句话与各位共勉:”The important thing is to create. Nothing else matters; creation is all.”

About the Speaker

Tien-Yau Luh obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Chicago (with L. M. Stock) in 1974. After spending two years of postdoctoral research at the University of Minnesota (with P. G. Gassman), he joined the faculty at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1976 and moved back in 1988 to his alma mater, National Taiwan University, where he is currently NTU Chair Professor. He has published 273 papers and received numerous awards, including JSPS Fellow, 2010, NTU Chair Professor of Chemistry, 2006-, Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, 2001-2004, etc. He is also serving as a member of the advisory/editorial board for many important SCI journals. His current research interests include chemistry of materials and polymers, and organometallics in organic and polymer synthesis.

时间: 2015525 16:00-17:30



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