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Lecture 16 of Distinguished Lecture Series


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高等研究院Institute forAdvanced Study


MyLife as a Chemist: Lessons learned over

thepast 60 years, 1955-2015.

Prof. Dr. Hyuk Yu

Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison,USA

About the Speaker

Hyuk Yu is currently the Walter H.Stockmayer Professor Emeritus and the Eastman Kodak Professor Emeritus ofChemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who joined the Department in1967. He received B.S. (chemical engineering, Seoul National University) in1955, Master’s (organic chemistry, USC) in 1958, & Ph. D. (physicalchemistry, Princeton) in 1962. Since his formal retirement on 2004, he has beenactive in technical consulting and teaching at various venues.

He has been recognized for manycontributions with the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship in 1984, the Alexandervon Humboldt Research Award in 1992, the Polymer Physics Prize of AmericanPhysical Society in 1994, the Distinguished Services to Polymer Science Awardof the Society of Polymer Science-Japan in 1997, Langmuir Lecture Prize of theDivision of Colloid & Surface Chemistry of American Chemical Society in1999, and many others.

Talk Introduction

The world has changed. Chemistry as an academicdiscipline too has transformed greatly over the past 60 years. It is a mostexciting time today for the profession of chemistry & related fields. Thisis to share with the young scientists and engineers some valuable lessons Ihave learned in the process of engaging in and thriving with the profession.The talk consists of a brief review of my career, and the perspectives acquiredthrough the professorial life of 40 years at Wisconsin. It will include my personalview of where China stands in science and technology from a world-wideperspective. Finally, I will offer an advice for how to confront the commonlyperceived uncertain future for the young scientists of 21st century.

时间:2016年11月16日 15:00-16:30


All are welcome!

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