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Lecture 18 of Distinguished Lecture Series


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高等研究院Institute forAdvanced Study


Onsager Principle

- A useful principlein soft matter dynamics -

Prof. Dr. Masao Doi

Centerof Soft Matter Physics and its Applications,

InternationaResearch Center, Beihang University, Beijing, China

Aboutthe Speaker

Prof. Masao Doi (土井正男) is a Professor Emeritus at Nagoya University and TheUniversity of Tokyo. He is a Fellow of the Toyota Physical and ChemicalResearch Institute. In 1978 and 1979 he wrote a series of papers with Sir SamEdwards expanding on the concept of reptation introduced by Pierre-Gilles deGennes in 1971. In 1996 he authored the textbook Introduction to PolymerPhysics.In 2001 the American Physical Society awarded Doi the Polymer PhysicsPrize for "pioneering contributions to the theory of dynamics and rheologyof entangled polymers and complex fluids.

Talk Introduction

In the celebrated paper on the reciprocal relation for the kineticcoefficients in irreversible processes, Onsager extended Rayleigh's principleof the least energy dissipation to general irreversible processes. Theprinciple has been shown to be useful in deriving basic equations whichdescribe non-linear and non-equilibrium phenomena in soft matter[1, 2]. HereI will show that the principle is useful in getting an approximation solutions[3].Examples are given for contact line dynamics of liquid[4,5] and gelation dynamics[6].


1. Masao Doi, SoftMatter Physics, Oxford University Press, p1-257 (2013)

2. Masao Doi, Onsager's variational principle in softmatter dynamics, in Non-Equilibrium Soft Matter Physics ed S. Komura and T.Ohta, World Scientific p 1-35 (2012)

3. Masao Doi, Onsager principle as a tool forapproximation, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 24, 020505, (2015)

4. Ring to Mountain Transition in Deposition Pattern ofDrying Droplets, Xingkun Man and MasaoDoi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 066101 (2016)

5. Theoretical Analysis for Meniscus Rise of a LiquidContained between a Flexible Film and a Solid Wall Yana Di, Xianmin Xu andMasao Doi, EPL 113 36001 1-4 (2016)

6. Solute based Lagrangian scheme in modeling thedrying process of soft mattersolutions, Fanlong Meng,Ling Luo, Masao Doi, and Zhongcan Ouyang, Eur. Phys. J. E 39, 22 1-10 (2016)

时间:2016年12月14日 15:00-16:30


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