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Academic Lecture--On Picards Theorem and beyond


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报告题目: On Picards theorem and beyond

主讲嘉宾:李宝勤 教授

主持人: 吴成发 博士


时间:2018年5月5日(周六) 下午3:30-4:30


Picards theorem asserts that an entire function omitting two complex numbers must be constant. It also implies, by a simple transform, the meromorphic version of the theorem that a meromorphic function in the complex plane omitting three distinct values must be constant. Picards theorem is among the most striking results in complex analysis and plays a decisive role in the development of the theory of entire and meromorphic functions and other applications. we will give connections between Picards theorem and characterizations of entire solutions of differential equations, which does not seem to have been observed before and may lead further results on complex (ordinary and partial) differential equations.


李宝勤, 美国弗罗里达国际大学数学与统计系主任、终身教授、博士生导师。1982年获得扬州大学数学学士学位,1987年获得华东师范大学数学硕士学位,1993年获得美国马里兰大学数学博士学位. 1995-1997年,香港科技大学副教授。 1997-2003年,美国弗罗里达国际大学副教授. 2003年至今,美国里达国际大学大学教授。

李宝勤教授是International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Journal of Complex Analysis 和 Pure Mathematical Sciences国际数学杂志的编委、山东大学讲座教授。2003年以来,培养了5位博士,其中2位中国人。在20余种知名数学刊物发表论文70余篇,其中34篇代表性研究的论文。

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