Theme: Lecture 4 of Distinguished Scholars Lecturing Program--Development of next-generation secondary batteries - lithium-air batteries, ithium-sulfur batteries and sodium-ion batteries
Speaker:Prof. Haoshen Zhou
Host: Research Scientist Xingke Cai
Location:Room L1-503, Science and Engineering Building
Time:11:00, November 8th, 2018
About the Speaker:
Prof. Haoshen Zhou currently works at Nanjing University as a professor and is awarded as the Chang Jiang Scholar of Ministry of Education and also serves as the executive deputy editor of Science Bulletin and the deputy editor of Energy Storage Material. He is primarily engaged in research on lithium-ion battery, sodium-ion battery, lithium-sulfur battery, lithium-air battery, solid-state battery and lithium-liquid-flow battery. Prof. Zhou proposed the concept of combined electrolyte (two-liquid), which helped him develop new li-air battery, li-liquid flow battery and water-system li-sulfur battery and he also firstly used molecular sieve as the separator for lithium secondary batteries. Over 400 articles have been published in academic journals, such as Nature Materials, Nature Energy, Joule, Nature Commun, Energy Environment Sci., Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. and JACS, over 23,000 citation with an H-Index of 84.
Talk Abstract:
Lithium-air batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries, and sodium-ion batteries with ultra-high theoretical energy density and low material cost and environmentally friendly materials would inspire people to achieve the goal of higher energy density in secondary batteries to seek new energy storage systems to get higher energy density in secondary batteries. In this report, it would discuss the development trend and progress of lithium-air batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries and sodium-ion batteries, as well as the mechanism research and industrialization.