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No.101 of IAS Lectures Series


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Nitrous Oxide as a Looking-Glass into Marine Ecosystem Dynamics
Dr. Qixing Ji
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany


About the Speaker
He obtained his PhD degree from Princeton University in 2017; and now he is working as a postdoctoral researcher in GEOMAR, Germany. His research focus is using stable isotopic tracer to study nitrogen cycling in marine environments.  


Talk Information
Nitrous oxide is an atmospheric trace gas that is contributing to the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion, both of which are important aspects regulating the Earth’s climate. The production of nitrous oxide is attributed to multiple nitrogen cycling processes, i.e. nitrification and denitrification that occur in marine ecosystems, such as estuaries, coastal zones and open ocean. In addition, nitrous oxide is an ideal analytical proxy for isotopic analyses of various nitrogen-containing compounds. In this talk I will discuss the dynamics of nitrous oxide production in marine environments. In addition, I will demonstrate the measurement techniques for nitrous oxide isotopic analysis, which is a promising tool for characterizing the nitrogen biogeochemistry in aquatic systems.  


All are welcome!  



Address: Institute for Advanced Study

Shenzhen University

Nanshan District

Shenzhen, Guangdong

China 518060

Tel: +86-755-2649-2572

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