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No.105 of IAS Lectures Series


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Towards high-temperature quantum materials: from the viewpoint of low energy electron microscopy (LEEM) & photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM)
Dr. Changxi Zheng
Monash University

About the Speaker
Dr. Changxi Zheng currently is working at ARC centre for future low energy electronics technologies as a research fellow in the node of Monash University. He has been working on low energy electron microscopy for over ten years in the aspects of instrument development and applications. Also, He received the competitive ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) in 2014 to develop emerging nanocharacterization techniques for the investigation of hydrated materials.


Talk Introduction
Quantum materials including topological insulators and semiconducting two-dimensional materials currently are at the forefront of condensed matter physics, since the materials indicate promising applications in future low-energy electronics and quantum computing. However, the challenge of quantum materials development is that the observation of their quantum properties remains at cryogenic temperature. Novel quantum materials possessing much higher quality are required to be prepared towards the development of high-temperature quantum materials. In this talk, I will present a unique technique, low energy electron microscopy, together with photoemission electron microscopy to investigate the growth and the electronic properties of emerging quantum materials.


All are welcome!


Address: Institute for Advanced Study

Shenzhen University

Nanshan District

Shenzhen, Guangdong

China 518060

Tel: +86-755-2649-2572

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