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Lecture 15 of Distinguished Scholars Lecturing Program--Molecularly doped metals


主讲人 时间

报告题目:Molecularly doped metals      

主讲嘉宾:David Avnir      





The millions of organic, inorganic, and biological molecules represent a very rich library of chemical, biological, and physical properties that do not show up among the ~100 metals. The ability to induce in metals any of these molecular properties opens up a tremendous potential for the development of new materials. In this lecture, I describe a materials methodology we have developed and, which enables, for the first time, the incorporation and entrapment of small organic molecules, polymers, biomolecules and nanoparticles within metals. The creation of dopant@metal yields new properties that are more than or different from the sum of the individual properties of the two components. So far we have developed methods for the doping of silver, copper, gold, iron, gallium, palladium, platinum, and some of their alloys. We have successfully altered classical metal properties such as conductivity and work function, induced unorthodox properties such as converting non-magnetic metals into magnets, created the first metallic luminescent films, formed new metallic catalysts such as catalytic metals doped with catalytic organometallic complexes, created highly bioactive composites, used metals for sustained release, introduced a new type of batteries, inhibited the corrosion of iron, induced chirality within metals, and more. Metal doping – a 3D process - is very different from simple adsorption on metals, which is a 2D process. Indeed, all of the new functionalities and new properties have been achieved only with the doped metals. These doped metals can be formed as thin films, nanoparticles, discs, and powders.        


David Avnir, “Molecularly doped metals”, Acc. Chem. Res., 47, 579–592  (2014)      

David Avnir, “Recent Progress in the Study of Molecularly Doped Metals”, Adv. Mater. 2018, 1706804      


David Avnir教授,欧洲科学院(the Academia Europaea)院士(2009),美国科学促进会会士(AAAS Fellow, 1996),主导创建了国际溶胶凝胶学会(The International Sol-Gel Society)并担任首届主席,曾任耶路撒冷希伯来大学化学院院长和研究生院院长(实验科学),曾获以色列化学会奖(2011),国际溶胶凝胶学会终身成就奖(2013),中国科学院国际人才计划国际杰出学者(2018)等。  

Avnir教授是有机/无机杂化材料领域的提出者和开拓者,在溶胶凝胶杂化材料、分子掺杂金属材料和催化分形理论等诸多领域均作出了先驱性的工作。他发现并发展了有机分子掺杂溶胶凝胶材料的方法,利用客体分子和溶胶凝胶基体的相互作用制备了独特的有机无机杂化功能材料。这些杂化材料在光学、生物、催化等领域得到了广泛应用。他拥有多项溶胶凝胶领域的关键专利,并在此基础上创建了纳斯达克上市公司Sol-Gel Technologies Ltd.,广泛应用于全球高端防晒品的UV Pearls®即是该公司的产品之一,因此他的头像被置于希伯来大学创新者墙(Hebrew University's "Wall of the Innovators")。基于他在杂化材料领域的先驱性工作,Avnir教授在Nature, Science, Nature Chemistry, Journal of American Chemistry Society, Advanced Materials等著名期刊上发表300余篇论文,是以色列最高引的化学家之一(>32000, h-index:79google scholar)。国际学术刊物NanoscaleJ.  Sol-Gel Sci. Tech.均曾出版专刊致敬Avnir教授。  





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