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YIN Guojian

Ph. D., Assistant Professor


Zhizhi Building


2014, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Mathematics, Ph.D., Advisor: Professor Raymond H. Chan.

2011, Tongji University, Computational Mathematics, M.A., Advisor: Professor Jun-Feng Yin.

2006, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Information and Computing Sciences, B.S.

Working Experience:

2021.01—present, IAS, Shenzhen University, Assistant Professor

2017.07—2020.12, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Postdoctoral Fellow.

2016.03—2018.06, Sun Yat-sen University, Research Associate.

2014.09—2016.02, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Assistant.

Academic Affiliations:

Reviewer of Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Journal of Scientific Computing, Advances in Computational Mathematics, etc.

Research Interests:

1. Numerical Linear Algebra: efficient algorithms design and theoretical analysis for large-scale eigenvalue and linear system problems;

2. Data Science: efficient algorithms design and theoretical analysis for data analysis, image/signal processing and machine learning, etc.


2012, Outstanding Master's Thesis of Shanghai City.

2011, Outstanding Graduate Student of Tongji University.

2010, Kwan-Hau Scholarship, 2010.


2018.01—2020.12, Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China. Grant No. 11701593, PI.

Journal Publications:

1. Hanqin, Cai, Jian-feng Cai, Tianming Wang,Guojian Yin, Accelerated Structured Alternating Projections for Robust Spectrally Sparse Signal Recovery, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, accepted, (2021).

2. Chun Wen, Qian-Ying Hu,Guojian Yin, Xian-Ming Gu, Zhao-Li Shen, An adaptive Power-GArnoldi algorithm for computing PageRank. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 386 (2020), pp. 113209.

3.Guojian Yin, A contour-integral based method with Schur-Rayleigh-Ritz procedure for generalized eigenvalue problems. Journal of Scientific Computing, 81 (2019), pp. 252--270.

4.Guojian Yin, A Contour-Integral Based Method for Counting the Eigenvalues Inside a Region. Journal of Scientific Computing, 78 (2019), pp. 1942--1961.

5.Guojian Yin, On the non-Hermitian FEAST algorithms with oblique projection for eigenvalue problems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 355 (2019), pp. 23--35.

6.Guojian Yin, A harmonic FEAST algorithm for non-Hermitian generalized eigenvalue problems. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 578 (2019), pp. 75--94.

7. Xian-Ming Gu, Ting-Zhu Huang,Guojian Yin, Bruno Carpentieri, Chun Wen, and Lei Du. Restarted Hessenberg method for solving shifted nonsymmetric linear systems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 331(2018), pp. 166--177.

8.Guojian Yin, Raymond H. Chan, and Man-Chung Yeung, A FEAST algorithm with oblique projection for generalized non-Hermitian eigenvalue problems. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 24 (2017), e2092.

9. Jun-Feng Yin andGuojian Yin, Restarted full orthogonalization method with deflation for shifted linear systems. Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods, Applications, 7 (2014), pp.399--412.

10. Jun-Feng Yin,Guojian Yin, and Michael K. Ng, On adaptively accelerated Arnoldi method for computing PageRank. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 19(2012), pp.73--85.

Address: Institute for Advanced Study

Shenzhen University

Nanshan District

Shenzhen, Guangdong

China 518060

Tel: +86-755-2649-2572

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