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2014年06月23日 00:00

主讲人 时间

From Equilibrium To Chaos 

 Dr. WANG Xiong 
City University of Hong Kong  



Do you know the Nash equilibrium in economics? Do you know the mechanism of Google Page Rank? Do you know how computer do subtle numerical computation like finding square root? It turns out that the principle behind all these problems from seemingly different disciplines is the actually same. First, the concept of equilibrium with various applications in different disciplines will be discussed. Then some basic concepts of chaos theory, such as butterfly effect and strange attractors, will be introduced.  Finally is about our newly finding of a chaotic system with only one stable equilibrium which reveals a new kind of chaos. This talk will inspire you on how to solve difficult problem by doing simple manageable things, and will amaze you that how simple rule can lead to great richness, complexity and beauty.

Keywords:  equilibrium, strange attractor, chaos


About the speaker

Dr. Xiong Wang obtained his B.Sc. in mathematics from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2009. He obtained his Ph.D in City University of Hong Kong in 2014. His research interests include chaos, fractals, interdisciplinary research of nonlinear science and applications in financial market modeling. 

时间:2014年6月16日,上午   10:30-12:00


All are welcome

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