Higher education in Germany:
Research as key to innovation

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wegner
Talk Introduction
How the academic training in the sciences and in engineering is meant to create minds which are able to cope with all the challenges of a modern science & Industry-based society. The German education and research system will be disscussed. Also, the differences and similarities to the US-American system will be mentioned.
About the speaker
Gerhard Wegner received the Otto Bayer Award in 1984, the Hermann Staudinger Medal of the German Chemical Society in 1990, the ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry (1998), the Award of the Society of Polymer Science Japan (1998), FEMS-European Materials Medal, Lausanne (2003), Federal Cross of Merit Germany (2003), Marin-Drinov Medal, Bulgarian Academy of Science (2004), H.F. Mark Medal, Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut, Wien (2004).
Professor Wegner was the Executive Director of the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research. He also served as the chairman of the Chemistry, Physics & Technology Section of the Max Planck Society from 1991 to 1994 and was Vice President of the Max Planck Society from 1996 to 2002. Prof. Wegner was the chairman of the International Max Planck Research School for Polymer Materials Science in Mainz. From 2006-2011. Prof. Wegner acted as CEO of the Institute for Microtechnology – Mainz (IMM).
Date and Time: November 19th, 2014 17:30-18:30 pm
Venue: Auditorium, South Library(图书馆南馆报告厅)