. 高等研究院系列学术讲座之二十八-深圳大学高等研究院
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2015年10月19日 00:00

主讲人 时间

高等研究院 Institute for Advanced Study


Remediation of acid sulfate soils by organic matter addition


Dr. Chaolei Yuan

The University of Adelaide

About the Speaker

Dr.Yuan was born in Jiangling, China, in 1989. He got Bachelor’s degree of Science (Ecology) from China agricultural University in 2009, Master’s degree of Science (Environment Sciences) from the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012, and PhD of Science (Soil Science) from The University of Adelaide in 2015. His main research interests are soil chemistry and microbial ecology.

Talk Introduction

Acid sulfate soils (ASS) are common wetland soils. The oxidation of ASS with iron sulfides (sulfidic material) results in sulfuric material and release of sulfuric acid which has detrimental effects on soil and water quality. Three incubation experiments were conducted. The results showed that adding organic matter (OM) can increase pH after flooding of sulfuric material by stimulating sulfate reduction. But effectiveness and amount of OM required are influenced by soil properties such as clay content and nitrate concentration.  



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