. 高等研究院系列学术讲座之六十三-深圳大学高等研究院
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2017年03月31日 00:00

主讲人 时间

Materials Design for Energy Generation and Storage

Dr. Yeh-Yung Lin

Department of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

About the Speaker

Dr. Yeh-Yung Lin received his PhD degree from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the National Taiwan University. Currently, he is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Chemistry, UC Berkeley. His research interests cover the synthesis of organic and inorganic materials, electrochemical analysis techniques, and applications to the related fields.

Talk Information

The quest for abundant, renewable energy is currently one of society’s greatest technological challenges. Solar cell and hydrogen fuel are the promising candidates for the replacement of current carbon-based energy sources. Dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) received considerable attention in the past decade because of their great potential as low–cost and sustainable power sources. Especially, sensitizers play an important role among all the components of DSSCs. But, most organic sensitizers showed the narrow absorption spectrum. On the other hand, fuel cell electric vehicles offer zero emissions at the tailpipe. However, storage of H2 in vehicles remains a major challenge due to the low volumetric energy content of H2. Adsorption of H2 in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) represents a promising route of H2. Nevertheless, increasing the H2 density in MOFs is still a challenge. Therefore, we seek to develop novel sensitizers and MOFs materials in order to solve the issues.



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