高等研究院Institute forAdvanced Study
Mathematics and Physics: Forged together with one chain
Prof. Dr. Armen Sergeev
Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow
About the Speaker
Prof. Sergeev is a leading scientific researcher in Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow. He got his Doctor of Science degree in 1989 from Steklov Institute. He is a Professor in Lomonosov Moscow State University (from 1994) and in Higher School of Economics (from 2013). He is Editor-in Chief of Steklov Institute Proceedings and Proceedings of Moscow Mathematical Society and also Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Izvestiya Mathematics. From 2017 he is a Vice-President of European Mathematical Society. He is the author of 7 books and more than 80 papers. Research interests: complex analysis and mathematical physics. Foreign member of Armenian Academy of Sciences.
Talk Introduction
Mathematics and physics have the same roots and were always closely related to each
other. But at the beginning of XXth century the question of their interrelations acquired a new meaning. This was due to the breakthrough discoveries in theoretical physics--creation of quantum mechanics and general relativity. Both theories used heavily mathematical methods, existing at that time, namely, functional analysis and differential geometry. New directions in theoretical physics developed at the end of XXth century require new mathematical methods still lacking in mathematics. This a major challenge for mathematicians of XXIth century.
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