. 高等研究院名师讲堂(第二十三期)-深圳大学高等研究院
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2017年11月02日 00:00

主讲人 时间

高等研究院Institute forAdvanced Study


 Engineering and physics meet infectious diseases and the immune system

Prof. Gerard C. L. Wong

Bioengineering Dept., Chemistry & Biochemistry Dept., California NanoSystems Institute, UCLA


About the Speaker

Gerard C. L. Wong received his BS and PhD at Caltech and Berkeley and is a Professor at UCLA. His awards include: the Beckman Young Investigator Award, the Alfred P Sloan Fellowship. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology.

Talk Introduction

We present examples from our group where soft matter physics, physical chemistry, and bioengineering impact unsolved problems in two areas important to human health, infectious diseases and auto-immune diseases. In the first area, we will show how bacteria use surface sensing, motility appendages, and hydrodynamics to organize into stress-tolerant biofilm communities, which are fundamental to the ecology and biology of micro-organisms. In the second, we will discuss how differential geometry, coordination chemistry, and machine learning can be combined to design new antibiotics, and show how responses of the innate immune system itself can be engineered.

时间:2017年11月6日 16:00-17:30


All are welcome!

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