. 高等研究院系列学术讲座之八十七-深圳大学高等研究院
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2018年05月07日 00:00

主讲人 时间

Process Systems Engineering: Applications on Sustainable Bio-production Dr. Dongda Zhang

Dr. Dongda Zhang

University of Cambridge

About the Speaker

张洞达,2013年进入剑桥大学攻读博士学位,两年内完成博士课题。经剑桥大学批准,提前授予博士学位。2016年受英国皇家工程院院士,帝国理工大学化工学院院长邀请,就职于Centre for Process Systems Engineering。2017年受英国皇家工程院院士Professor Robin Smith邀请,被聘为曼彻斯特大学化工学院讲师,终身制博士生导师。2018年被帝国理工大学化工学院聘为Honorary Research Fellow。

Talk Information

Process Systems Engineering (PSE) focuses on the development of computer-based mathematical methods for the design, operation, control, and optimisation of chemical, physical and biological processes. Currently, in the domain of chemical engineering research, developing strategic modelling technologies through the adoption of both physical-driven and data-driven approaches has been given significant attention due to their importance in sustainable bio-production. Sustainable bio-production aims to design regenerative and environmentally friendly processes in which feedstocks are directly derived from bio-based materials,such asbiomass and microorganisms. This talk will cover the applications and challenges of utilising state-of-the-art PSE strategies for complex biosystem modelling, bioprocess optimisation, biosynthetic reaction network design, and life cycle assessment. Both traditional kinetic modelling and innovative machine learning methods will be presented. The presentation will also briefly summarise the research themes being conducted in the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, and the University of Manchester.



All are welcome!

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