报告题目: 压电陶瓷电机--研究与进展
主讲嘉宾: 董蜀湘 教授(北京大学)
主持人: 陈 峰 教授(高等研究院院长)
时间: 2020年11月19日周四10:00
地点: 汇元楼103会议室
Piezoelectric actuators transfer electric energy input into strain output and they are widely used in industries for precision actuation. Compared with traditional electromagnetic actuators, their compact size and high efficiency attracted more and more researchers. Various materials and configurations were adopted for actuators with different applications. In this review, we tried to clarify the actuators based on their materials and working principles. Room-temperature piezoelectric actuators, high-temperature piezoelectric actuators, ultrasonic actuators, magnetoelectric actuators and MEMS actuators were mentioned with their fabrication, properties and applications. Furthermore, challenges and outlook were proposed for the future development of the actuators.
董蜀湘,博士、教授、博士生导师,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学兼职教授。长期从事压电、铁电、磁电功能材料与器件方面的研究,在磁电功能材料的理论研究方面,创立了压电超材料理论和“磁-弹-电”耦合的等效电路方法,是国际上公认的理论方法之一。在压电微马达方面,最早发明了世界上最小的压电微马达,研发出低温驱动器、高温压电马达与高温驱动器,以及研发出具有微纳米分辨率的系列直线压电马达,并成功应用于墨子号卫星空间通讯(2018)。董蜀湘在国际权威刊物Science advances, Energy and Environment Science, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Scientific Reports, Applied Physics Letters等共发表SCI收录文章190余篇。文章SCI总引用次数8900余次;主持和承担国家自然科学重点基金、863计划、国防等科研项目11项;获授权中国发明专利30余项、美国发明专利4项,并连续多年入选Elsevier中国高被引学者和最具世界影响力的中国学者。