New discovery of lunar penetrating radar in the geological surface process of the Moon
Speaker Dr. Chunyu Ding
Southern University of Science and Technology
About the Speaker
Dr. Ding received the Ph.D. degree in astronomy from the National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 2017. He currently is a Presidential Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellow with the Southern University of Science and Technology. His research interest includes the radar detection of terrestrial planets, e.g., Moon and Mars.
Talk Introduction
The lunar penetrating radar (LPR) onboard the Chinese Chang'E‐3 rover (Yutu-1) performed the first along‐track radar investigation for the subsurface structures of an extraterrestrial body. The LPR data provides an unprecedented opportunity to understand the detailed structure of the lunar shallow subsurface. Today’s presentation mainly reports the latest results obtained by Yutu-1 and Yutu-2 radars, e.g., the lunar subsurface structure deciphering, the thickness of lunar regolith inversion, the estimation of dielectric properties of lunar regolith, nature and origin of the interior layering structure within lunar regolith, and sounding the buried crater beneath the lunar surface, etc. Until now, the Yutu-2 rover has performed in-situ measurement for over two years at Chang’E-4 landing site, which is far longer than expected. The Yutu-2 radar has acquired a large amount of data that will continue to reveal the mysteries of the far side of the Moon.
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