报告主题:Emergence of odd elasticity in micromachines
主讲人:Shigeyuki Komura(国科温州研究院)
时 间:2023年11月08日周三10:00
地 点:致知楼706
Using Onsager’s variational principle, we derive dynamical equations for a nonequilibrium active system with odd elasticity. The elimination of the extra variable coupled to the nonequilibrium driving force leads to the nonreciprocal set of equations for the material coordinates. The obtained nonreciprocal equations manifest the physical origin of the odd elastic moduli that are proportional to the nonequilibrium force and the friction coefficients. We further investigate the emergence of odd elasticity in an elastic microswimmer model using a reinforcement learning method.
Prof. Shigeyuki Komura is currently a PI at Wenzhou Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (国科温州研究院). After obtaining his Ph.D. at The University of Tokyo (东京大学), he worked at Tokyo Institute of Technology (东京工业大学), Kyoto University (京都大学), Kyushu Institute of Technology (九州工业大学), and Tokyo Metropolitan University (东京都立大学) for over 30 years. He was a visiting professor at Tel Aviv University, Weizmann Institute of Science, and University of Leeds. With an emphasis on the relation to biological phenomena, he conducted theoretical research to elucidate fluctuations, structures, and dynamics of biological soft matter. He published 159 papers, 5 book chapters, and one edited book entitled “Non-Equilibrium Soft Matter Physics” (World Scientific). His current interests are micromachines, active matter, microrheology, and non-equilibrium statistical physics.浙江省海外引才计划・创新长期人才项目(2022),外国专家项目・高端外国专家引进计划(2022-2023),国家自然科学基金・面上项目(2023-2026),国家自然科学基金・外国资深学者研究基金项目(2023-2024). More detailed information can be seen at: http://biosoft.world.coocan.jp/