. 【高等研究院建院10周年系列学术活动(第40场)】Charges, charge regulations and charge fluctuations in soft matter-深圳大学高等研究院
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【高等研究院建院10周年系列学术活动(第40场)】Charges, charge regulations and charge fluctuations in soft matter

2024年06月14日 09:30

主讲人 PODGORNIK RUDOLF教授(中国科学院大学) 时间 2024年6月14日周五10:00
地址 深圳大学致知楼706

报告主题:Charges, charge regulations and charge fluctuations in soft matter

主讲人:PODGORNIK RUDOLF教授(中国科学院大学)


时 间:2024年6月14日周五10:00

地 点:深圳大学致知楼706


Rudolf Podgornik is Chair Professor at the University of Chinese Academy Sciences in Beijing. He is a National Program Expert with a National Specially Appointed Foreign Expert Honor. He specializes in soft matter physics, macromolecular physics and biophysics, with particular emphasis on Coulomb fluids, Lifshitz theory of van der Waals dispersion interaction and the Casimir effect, membranes, polymers, polyelectrolytes and physics of DNA, RNA and viruses. He authored more than 400 scientific articles and edited two books that were cited more than 10000 times, making an outstanding contribution to global scholarship.


I will present some recent results regarding the electrostatic interactions in different soft matter systems, mostly focusing on the various effects that explicit inclusion of dissociation, the s.c. charge regulation, has on the effective Coulomb interactions. The relevant systems will include charge regulation of charge multipolar moments in proteins, then specifically charge dissociation mechanisms in viral proteinaceous shells, the symmetry breaking that can be driven by charge regulation, the anomalous screening in macroion electrolyte solutions as well as the related Casimir-type fluctuation interactions.

地址:深圳市南山区白石路3883号深圳大学粤海校区致知楼703学院办公室 518060


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