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2003-2007 博士,The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

1999-2003 硕士,国家自然资源部第三海洋研究所

1995-1999 学士,中国海洋大学


2021 访问学者,Department of Ocean Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

2018-2019 访问学者,Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia

2020-2022 重点岗位教授,厦门大学

2014-2020 教授,厦门大学

2009-2014 副教授,厦门大学

2007-2009 博士后,National University of Singapore




2019-2020 海洋学入门(本科)

2017至今 高级海洋生态学(研究生)

2013至今 海洋微生物学(本科)

2013至今 海洋微生物学实验(本科)

2012-2020 海洋微生物技术(研究生)

2009-2012 生物化学实验(本科)


2015 国家自然科学二等奖(排名第四),国务院

2015 优青,国家自然科学基金委

2014 省自然科学一等奖(排名第四),福建省

2009 Erasmus Mundus奖教金,欧盟

2009 新世纪优秀人才,教育部


1) 国家自然科学基金委,重大研究计划,91951209,病毒驱动的深部生物圈碳循环机制与过程,2020/01-2023/12,304万,在研,主持

2) 国家自然科学基金委,基础科学中心项目,42188102,海洋碳汇与生物地球化学过程研究中心,2022/01-2026/12,6000万,在研,共同主持

3) 科技部,国家重点研发计划,2021YFE0193000,北极典型海湾微生物对气候变化的响应与反馈,2021/10-2024/9,27万,在研,主持

4) 科技部,第四批科技创新领军人才,2019/11-2021/10,80万,在研,主持

5) 青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室项目,QNLM2016ORP0303,深海和深部生物圈病毒-宿主相互作用的生态环境效应,2017/04-2020/03, 100万元,已结题,主持

6) 国家自然科学基金委,优秀青年科学基金项目,41522603,海洋病毒生态学,2016/01-2018/12,150万元,已结题,主持

7) 国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,31570172,溶源性噬菌体对海洋细菌生理生态特性的影响,2016/01-2019/12,75.7万元,已结题,主持

8) 国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,41376132,南海及西太平洋海区深海浮游病毒的生态特性及生态意义,2014/01-2017/12,88万元,已结题,主持

9) 科技部,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题,2012AA092003,船载微型生物综合分析技术平台,2012/01-2014/12,585万元,已结题,主持

10) 海洋公益性行业科研专项子任务,201105021-6,我国近岸、外海典型生态环境微型生物基因芯片高通量快速检测与评估,2011/01-2014/12,85万元,已结题,主持


2020至今 北太平洋海洋科学组织(PICES)-国际海洋探索理事会(ICES)联合工作组“海洋负排放”成员

2015-2018 北太平洋海洋科学组织(PICES)-国际海洋探索理事会(ICES)联合工作组“气候变化与海洋储碳”成员

2014至今 北极理事会北极监测与评估计划中国代表

2016-2019 综合大洋钻探计划(IODP)366航次科学组织成员

2013-2016 综合大洋钻探计划(IODP)347航次科学组织成员

2018至今 中国生态学会海洋生态专业委员会委员

2018至今 中国微生物学会地质微生物专业委员会委员

2016至今 中国海洋与湖沼学会微生物海洋学专业委员会委员


2017至今 中国科学 地球科学,编委

2020至今 Journal of Marine Science and Engineering,编委

2017至今 Frontiers in Microbiology, 评审编委

2014至今 Frontiers in Marine Science, 评审编委


• Wei W, Chen X, Weinbauer MG, Jiao N &Zhang R(2022) Reduced bacterial mortality and enhanced viral productivity during sinking in the ocean. The ISME Journal; doi.org/10.1038/s41396-022-01224-9.

• Qian P-Y, Chen A, Wang R &Zhang R(2022) Marine biofilm: An underexplored but complex ecosystem. Nature Reviews Microbiology (in press).

• Chen X, Wei W, Xiao X, et al. &Zhang R(2022) Heterogeneous viral contribution to dissolved organic matter processing in a long-term macrocosm experiment. Environment International 158: 106950.

• Chen X, Weinbauer MG, Jiao N &Zhang R(2021) Revisiting marine lytic and lysogenic virus-host interactions: Kill-the-Winner and Piggyback-the-Winner. Science Bulletin 66: 871-874.

• Zhou K, Xu Y,Zhang R& Qian P-Y (2021) Arms race in a cell: genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic insights into intracellular phage–bacteria interplay in deep-sea snail holobionts. Microbiome 9: 182.

Zhang R, Li Y, Yan W, Wang Y, Cai L, Luo T, Li H, Weinbauer MG & Jiao N (2020) Viral control of biomass and diversity of bacterioplankton in the deep sea. Communications Biology 3: 256.

• Cai L, Jørgensen BB, Suttle CA, He M, Cragg BA, Jiao N &Zhang R(2019) Active and diverse viruses persist in the deep sub-seafloor sediments over thousands of years. The ISME Journal 13: 1857-1864.

• Chen X, Wei W, Wang J, Li H, Sun J, Ma R, Jiao N &Zhang R(2019) Tide driven microbial dynamics through virus-host interactions in the estuarine ecosystem. Water Research 160: 118-129.

Zhang R, Wei W & Cai L (2014) The fate and biogeochemical cycling of viral elements. Nature Reviews Microbiology 12: 850-851.

Zhang R, Weinbauer MG & Qian P-Y (2007) Viruses and flagellates sustain apparent richness and reduce biomass accumulation of bacterioplankton in coastal marine waters. Environmental Microbiology 9: 3008-3018.


• Xu D, Yang Y &Zhang R(2021) Measurement of virus-induced phytoplankton mortality. Research Methods of Environmental Physiology in Aquatic Sciences, (Gao K., Hutchins D.A. & Beardall J., eds.), pp. 345-352. Springer, Singapore.

Zhang R, Weinbauer MG & Peduzzi P (2020) Aquatic viruses and climate change. Climate Change and Microbial Ecology: Current Research and Future Trends (Second Edition), (Marxsen J, ed.) pp. 215-238. Caister Academic Press.

• Fryer P, Wheat G, Williams T, ... &Zhang R(2018) Mariana convergent margin and South Chamorro Seamount. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 366, International Ocean Discovery Program, College Station, TX, USA.

• Andrén T, Jørgensen BB, Cotterill C, ... &Zhang R(2015) Baltic Sea Paleoenvironment. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Volume 347, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, TX, USA.

• Contributing author of The Ocean. In: Barros, V.R. et al. (Eds.), Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Part B: Regional Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 1655-1731.


2021 基金委南海中部共享航次,首席科学家

2017 基金委南海中部共享航次,首席科学家

2016-2017 综合大洋钻探计划(IODP)366航次马里亚纳深海钻探

2016 南极半岛科学考察

2014 综合大洋钻探计划(IODP)347航次波罗的海钻探

2010 基金委西太平洋共享航次

2010 欧盟海洋酸化北极实验、中国北极黄河站科学考察

2009 大洋协会环球科学考察

2001-2002 中国第18次南极科学考察


Zhang R(2020) Virus-induced bacterioplankton mortality and organic carbon cycling. Gordon Research Conference (GRC) in Marine Microbes, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, May 24-29, 2020.

Zhang R(2019) Viruses in the deep Baltic Sea biosphere. International Workshop on Aquatic Viral Ecology, Qingdao, China, January 11-12, 2019.

Zhang R(2018) Viruses in deep sub-seafloor biosphere. Deep Volatiles, Energy & Environments Summit, Shanghai, China, March 13-14, 2018.

Zhang R(2017) Blue carbon, green economy, high tech and sustainable development. Fifth Meeting of UK-China High Level People-to-People Dialogue UK-China Green Marine Science & Technology Innovation Forum 2017, London, UK, December 5-6, 2017.

Zhang R(2015) Ecological and biogeochemical significance of deep virioplankton. The 2nd Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences, Xiamen, China, January 7-9, 2015.

Zhang R(2014) Response of bacterioplankton community structure to acidification in the Arctic Ocean. Arctic Change 2014, Ottawa, Canada, December 8-12, 2014.

Zhang R(2013) Response of bacterioplankton community structure to an artificial gradient of pCO2 in the Arctic Ocean. IMBIZO III: The future of marine biogeochemistry, ecosystems and societies, Goa, India, January 28-31, 2013.

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