. 【深圳大学40周年校庆800场学术活动(第554场)】Multiple functions of non-coding RNA molecules-深圳大学高等研究院
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【深圳大学40周年校庆800场学术活动(第554场)】Multiple functions of non-coding RNA molecules

2023年04月12日 10:42

主讲人 包鹏辉 特聘教授 时间 2023年4月21日周五15: 00
地址 致知楼706

报告主题: Multiple functions of non-coding RNA molecules

主讲人: 包鹏辉 特聘教授(苏州大学)

主持人: 李文金 研究员

时间:2023年4月21日周五15: 00

地点: 致知楼706


Noncoding RNAs involve in a varity of biological functions during gene expression, like RNA transcription and processing, and translation. The structure of ribozymes itself provides the enzymtic activities. Here I will first introduce the underlining mechanism of the catalytic ribozyme from Candida albicans, especially about coordination of ligands at its active site, and its interaction with chemical compounds. Most noncoding RNAs bind proteins and form RNP complexes. The spliceosome is a highly dynamic RNP machine that catalyzes splicing of introns and formation of mRNAs. Our study of the yeast spliceosome reveals RNA structural features for splicing and RNA dynamics before splicing, as well as negative regulation and proofreading of spliceosome early assembly by a protein complex. Finally, I will present our recent work of an oncogenic protein with systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment technique, which starts from more than billions of single-stranded nucleic acid molecules synthesized in vitro and obtain apamers with high affinity and specificity for expected targets.


包鹏辉,博士,苏州大学特聘教授,2002年武汉大学生命科学学院生物技术专业学士毕业。2008年获得武汉大学生物化学及分子生物学专业博士。随后,以马普奖学金获得者和课题研究员在德国马克斯普朗克生物物理化学研究所从事生物大分子的功能研究。2019年加盟苏州大学任特聘教授。近几年,研究成果发表在国际知名生物学期刊Genes & Development, Nucleic Acids Reasearch, Elife, RNA等上。

地址:深圳市南山区白石路3883号深圳大学粤海校区致知楼703学院办公室 518060


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