报告主题:Ecosystem Capacity Buffering Against Eutrophication in the Pearl River Estuarine Coastal Waters
主 讲 人:殷克东 教授(中山大学)
主 持 人:张锐 教授
时 间:2023年10月17日周二17:00
地 点:致知楼706
The degree of eutrophication varies widely among estuaries. The Pearl River, the 2nd largest in China, discharges into the oligotrophic South China Sea and plays a dominant role in determining nutrient concentrations and eutrophication processes in the Pearl River estuary and adjacent coastal waters (PREC). The Pearl River is highly enriched in nitrogen (N), ca. 200 uM, but low (<2 uM) in Phosphorus. However, eutrophication symptoms are not as severe as expected from the high N enrichment. The PREC ecosystem appears to have a buffering capacity for the N enrichment. Two major buffering mechanisms are hypothesized to be responsible: the most limiting nutrient P and physical dilution processes. For the former mechansim, as the N:P ratio is much higher than the Redfield ratio of 16:1 in the estuarine influenced water, P is potentially the most limiting nutrient and likely places a limit on chlorophyll biomass production and hence consumption of dissolved oxygen. For the latter mechanism, seasonal monsoons and river discharge induced processes bring offshore waters onshore and serve as annual and seasonal flushing mechanisms. The two mechanisms work together and prevent the seasonal formation of hypoxia in the bottom water.
Prof. Yin, Kedong, is Professor of Biological Oceanography at the Sun Yat-sen University and Chief Scientist of Deep-Sea Life and Ecological Process Team, Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai). He obtained B.Sc.(1982), Marine Biology, Ocean University of China, and M.Sc.(1988), Ph.D (1994), Post-Doctor (1994-1996) and research associate (1996-1997), respectively, in Biological Oceanography, University of British Columbia, Canada. He worked at HKUST, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology(CAS), and Griffith Univeristy, Australia.
YIN is a multi-disciplinary environmental oceanographer and has focused his research on coastal eutrophication processes and regulating mechanisms of phytoplankton biomass, harmful algal blooms (HABs), and dissolved oxygen. His research interest also includes artificial whalefall experiments on seamounts.
Yin is Chair of IOC working group to investigate Climate Change and Global Trends of Phytoplankton in the ocean (IOC WG TrendsPO); IOC/SCOR GlobalHAB Founding Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) Member; and Co-Chair of Scientific Committee on Ocean Research (SCOR) Working Group 137 on “Global Patterns of Phytoplankton Dynamics in Coastal Ecosystems: Comparative Analysis of Time Series Observations”. Yin has a total of 160 publications and has been invited to deliver multiple speeches at domestic and international conferences.