报告主题:A second open reading frame in human enterovirus determines viral replication in intestinal epithelial cells
主讲人:魏伟 教授(吉林大学第一医院)
主持人:李猛 教授
时 间:2023年11月06日周一10:00
地 点:致知楼706
Human enteroviruses (HEVs) of the family Picornaviridae, which comprises non-enveloped RNA viruses, are ubiquitous worldwide. The majority of EV proteins are derived from viral polyproteins encoded by a single open reading frame (ORF). Here, we characterize a second ORF in HEVs that is crucial for viral intestinal infection. Disruption of ORF2p expression decreases the replication capacity of EV-A71 in human intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). Ectopic expression of ORF2p proteins derived from diverse enteric enteroviruses sensitizes intestinal cells to the replication of ORF2p-defective EV-A71 and respiratory enterovirus EV-D68. We show that the highly conserved WIGHPV domain of ORF2p is important for ORF2p-dependent viral intestinal infection. ORF2p expression is required for EV-A71 particle release from IECs and can support productive EV-D68 infection in IECs by facilitating virus release. Our results indicate that ORF2p is a determining factor for enteric enterovirus replication in IECs.
魏伟,教授、博士生导师、国家优青、吉林大学唐敖庆领军教授、艾滋病与病毒研究所副所长。长期从事病毒元件与宿主互作研究,在Cell Host & Microbe、Nature Microbiology、Nature Communications、Cell Reports、STTT、Journal of Virology等期刊已发表学术论文50余篇。承担国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金等国家省部级科研任务十余项,获教育部自然科学奖一等奖等荣誉,担任国家自然科学基金通讯评审和会议评审专家,Cell Host & Microbe、Nature Communications等学术期刊审稿专家。