. 【高等研究院建院10周年系列学术活动(第43场)】Application and impact of membranes in water treatment-深圳大学高等研究院
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【高等研究院建院10周年系列学术活动(第43场)】Application and impact of membranes in water treatment

2024年06月18日 16:22

主讲人 Soryong Ryan Chae教授(美国辛辛那提大学) 时间 2024年06月21日周五09:30
地址 致知楼706

报告题目:Application and impact of membranes in water treatment

主讲嘉宾:Soryong Ryan Chae教授(美国辛辛那提大学)


时 间:2024年06月21日周五09:30

地 点:致知楼706


Inactivation of microbial pathogens is the critical risk management step during water and wastewater treatment. Despite municipal chlorination and secondary disinfection, opportunistic waterborne pathogens (e.g., Legionella spp.) persist in public and private water distribution systems. As a potential source of healthcare-acquired infections, this warrants the development of novel pathogen removal and inactivation systems. Although membrane technology has been widely applied to separate various constituents and recover valuable resources from water and wastewater, conventional membranes are not typically designed to inactivate microorganisms during water and wastewater treatment.

Carbon nanomaterials have been proposed to develop new technologies for the disinfection of pathogens and biofilm-resistant surfaces. In this study, free-standing and electrically conductive carbon nanotube (CNT) films are synthesized to create new strategies for in-situ microbial disinfection and the mitigation of biofilm development on membrane surfaces. To fabricate electrically heatable CNT interfaces on polymeric membranes, spinnable multi-wall CNT films were directly applied layer-by-layer to the surface of commercial ultrafiltration membranes. Electrically heatable CNT composite membranes completely removed Escherichia coli K12 and Legionella pneumophila and were able to inactive them at over 5 log removal efficiency using Joule heating at low energy demand, resulting in the inhibition of biofilm formation on polymeric membranes. The novel membranes could be used as a final barrier providing complete rejection of microbial pathogens and simultaneously eliminating microorganisms in private and public water systems.


Soryong Ryan Chae,美国辛辛那提大学终身教授和研究生主任,Chemical Engineering Journal执行主编,在Chemical Engineering Journal,Desalination等国际著名期刊上发表论文100余篇,主持或参与科研项目30余项,授权发明专利9项,出版著作3项,受邀作keynote或invited报告20余次。研究领域集中在工程纳米材料的环境影响及应用、饮用水中的膜技术、生活和工业废水循环系统的膜生物反应器等。

地址:深圳市南山区白石路3883号深圳大学粤海校区致知楼703学院办公室 518060


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