. 【高等研究院建院10周年系列学术活动(第57场)】Archaeal Origins of the Eukaryotic Cytoskeleton-深圳大学高等研究院
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【高等研究院建院10周年系列学术活动(第57场)】Archaeal Origins of the Eukaryotic Cytoskeleton

2024年08月09日 07:55

主讲人 Buzz Baum教授(Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, United Kingdom) 时间 2024年8月10日周六16:00
地址 深圳大学致知楼706

报告主题:Archaeal Origins of the Eukaryotic Cytoskeleton

主讲人:Buzz Baum教授(Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, United Kingdom)


时 间:2024年8月10日周六16:00

地 点:深圳大学致知楼706


Professor Buzz Baum is a cell biologist interested in the way cells shape themselves now and how this has changed over the course of the history of life on earth. Buzz studied Biochemistry at the University of Oxford, obtained his PhD studying the cell division cycle with Sir Paul Nurse in London, and was a postdoctoral researcher with Norbert Perrimon at Harvard Medical School. where he studied morphogenesis in flie and fly cells. He returned to the UK in 2001, when he set up a lab at UCL studying cellshape control in animal cells during development and cell division. He became anEMBO young investigator in 2005 and an EMBO member in 2013. In 2020 his lab moved to the MRC's Laboratory of Molecular Biology Cambridge, where his team is exploring the biology of TACK and Asgard archaea during cell growth and division and is using archaea to study the evolution of complex cells. In doing so, his inter disciplinary team aims to put his and David Baum's 2014 “inside-out model of eukaryo genesis” to the test.


In this talk we will explore the evolution of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton. As we will see, much of the machinery, including actin, tubulin and ESCRT-Ill, has its origins in archaea. Building on this, we will see how archaea can be used as a simple model with which to better understand the evolution, structure and function of ESCRT-Il polymersin membrane remodelling and cytokinesis.

地址:深圳市南山区白石路3883号深圳大学粤海校区致知楼703学院办公室 518060


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