. 【高等研究院建院10周年系列学术活动(第28场)】“Research to Realization” - From molecular level interaction to real-time monitoring electronic systems-深圳大学高等研究院
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【高等研究院建院10周年系列学术活动(第28场)】“Research to Realization” - From molecular level interaction to real-time monitoring electronic systems

2024年05月17日 17:28

主讲人 VELLAISAMY ARUL LENUS ROY教授(香港都会大学) 时间 2024年5月24日周五16:30
地址 深圳大学致知楼706

报告主题:“Research to Realization” - From molecular level interaction to real-time monitoring electronic systems



时 间:2024年5月24日周五16:30

地 点:深圳大学致知楼706


Roy Vellaisamy is a Chair Professor of Intelligent Systems and leader of Molecular Electronics (MOLEC) group at the Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU). Prior to HKMU, he was a Professor of Intelligent Systems at the University of Glasgow (UK) where he is currently a Professor affiliate. In Hong Kong, he held faculty positions at City University of Hong Kong for 11 years (2008 to 2019; Assistant & Associate Professor) and The University of Hong Kong (2004 to 2008; Research Assistant Professor). He holds adjunct positions at UESTC, Chengdu & SZAR (ShenZhen Academy of Robotics), China. In 2019, he received gold medals for his “Sensor Platform” at the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions (Geneva); iCAN 2022 (Toronto, Canada); He was also a recipient of TRIL-Research Fellow awarded by The International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, UNESCO institution), Trieste (Italy), Excellent Product Award (2011, 12, 13 & 18) at China Hi-Tech Fair awarded by the PRC's Ministry of Commerce and secured “1000 talent plan” of Zhejiang province (2017). Together with his graduate students, Roy as a founding member, established 3 spin-off companies in HK and UK for the development of point of care diagnostic tools. Roy works closely with industries in UK and Greater Bay Region for the development of intelligent sensors and quantum technologies.


Growing industrialization and urbanization has put human beings and other living organisms at risk against new threats due to the contamination of food, water and air. These Contaminants endanger all the living organisms in this world, especially for human beings’ genetic disorders. The WHO statistics show that more than 422 million people worldwide are suffering from contamination related illness. The growing prevalence of such disorders has been linked to exposure to chemicals in plastic, food and water. Although regulatory steps have been taken to minimize risk, cases of overexposure still occur. In this talk, I will present our real-time monitoring system for a rapid pre-screening test that could curtail cases of contamination. Over the years, we have developed an electronic sensor platform based on molecular level interaction between the target and analyte to detect various toxins. The advantage of our sensor platform is that it can be used for on-site detection; it is easy to operate and provides results on real-time basis. In addition, we have extended our sensor platform system for healthcare applications for the detection of cancer biomarkers. In this talk, I will present our recent accomplishments on intelligent sensing and next generation communication materials.

地址:深圳市南山区白石路3883号深圳大学粤海校区致知楼703学院办公室 518060


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